Monday, October 4, 2010

DSLR vs Prosumer Camcorder

So I'm just torn:

Do I go DSLR like the Canon 5D where I can (in theory) get the best of both worlds. Photography and beautiful HD video? But what about the Prosumer camcorders I've been working with for years? Won't I miss all the controls, the snap zooms and not having to buy expensive lens and audio equipment (ok, I will still have to buy audio equipment, but it might not be as bad with a prosumer video camera?)

I LOVE the look of videos being shot on the DSLRs right now- everything looks like film the way it has to be shot, which, if done right can have a relly cool end result. Is this where digital video is moving towards stylistically? Is this the look clients are looking for right now?

Also the price difference is shocking.

Honestly, I need to have a little more experience shooting on the new DSLRs before I can form a full opinion, so I guess I'm just wondering what you all think?

I also have the feeling that Sony and Panasonic should be putting out some competitors for the Canons soon, so is it just a terrible time to buy right now?

I like the discussion going on here: check it out

Ok, so here's an even better question - Will pro videographers legitimately be able to shoot projects on their iPhones? haha, I think so.

As always, thanks for stopping by, would love to hear some of your opinions....